Men and women may be different but we both have many things in common; including the desire to be genuinely seen, heard, appreciated, respected, and loved for who we really are.

One then might wonder the following, “If we have all these desires in common, why are we allowing or choosing our differences to get in the way of what we already have in common?”

I have tasked myself with writing this article to answer this question.


Our differences matter only to the extent to how much value we place on those differences.

For instance, I personally do not place a high value on whether I can share my love of reading and writing with anyone, even my closest friends are not readers, and that does not change my love and respect for them one iota.

One thing which may most likely make a significant difference to how I love and respect my friends is if they intentionally and repeatedly lie to me about how they really feel about me.

If they are only being my friends because they enjoy some benefit I offer them, like my tasty chicken fettuccine carbonara, but don’t like any of the things I talk about, who I am, or what I look like, I would really have to think about why I would let them enjoy my tasty chicken fettucine carbonara when they don’t really care much about me.

Why would I waste my tears cutting up an onion for them? The answer is, I wouldn’t even let them set one foot anywhere near my onion!

This explanation should also clear up such questions as:

“Why do women pretend to love us when they just want our money?”

Answer: People like being loved! So, if they are able to convince you that they love you, they are closer to getting their hands on all your money! (By the way, rich men don’t think like this too often because they are intelligent enough to know a gold digger a mile away and are either fine with it or not).

“Why do men pretend to love us when they just want sex?”

Answer: People like being loved! So, if they are able to convince you that they love you or could see themselves falling in love with you in the future, they will string you along for as long as they can so they can have sex with you while they are building up their imaginary harem or waiting for someone better, like a model doormat.

(Please email me directly on if you know a genuine model doormat so I can interview her).

Even Amber Heard could no longer continue playing the role of doormat to Johnny Depp or, if you believe Johnny Depp is the model doormat, he could no longer continue playing the role of doormat to Amber Heard.

In conclusion, if people are genuine about meeting their “desire to be genuinely seen, heard, appreciated, respected, and loved for who they really are”, they will also be able to meet YOUR DESIRE to be “genuinely seen, heard, appreciated, respected, and loved for who YOU really are”. The differences, whatever they may be, will not trump the things that truly matter to YOU BOTH.

Thanks for reading.
